 ON PURPOSE introduces new inclusive parental policy

ON PURPOSE introduces new inclusive parental policy

ON PURPOSE has launched a landmark parental leave policy offering inclusive employee benefits to new parents, primary and secondary caregivers as well as pet parents.


While the industry standard for paternity leave is just two weeks, the agency introduces a new 12-week leave policy for fathers and partners. Through the #TwoIsTooLittle campaign, ON PURPOSE hopes to inspire other workplaces in the country to adopt similar inclusive policies


The new parental policy aims to cover all instances of new parenthood as it extends to new parents who choose birth, adoption, surrogacy, or IVF as well as compassionate leave for parents who experience loss during pregnancy


Key features of the policy


ON PURPOSE's new paid parental leave policy gives employees upto:


● 26 weeks paid parental leave at full pay for birthing people


● 12 weeks paid paternity leave


● 12 weeks paid leave for parents by law (adoption and surrogacy)


● 6 weeks of paid leave In the event of a miscarriage or stillbirth during anytime of the term


● Employee with breastfeeding/chestfeeding infants are also entitled to time-off or time away from their desks(work)

The organisation has curated leaves for pet parents, offering a 7-day time-off when an employee adopts a new pet.

Girish Balachandran, Founder, ON PURPOSE said, "Social change must start at home. As an organisation committed to driving social change in India, the launch of our new parental policy is an integral milestone to challenge gender stereotypes and build an inclusive workplace.  It's time to share the load, share the लाड (laad)."


In May 2021, ON PURPOSE also introduced 'Period Chutti', a menstrual policy which offers an additional 6 days of paid leave for all employees who menstruate. This was initiated with the intention to support its employees to rest, while not having to use their sick leave, since periods are not a sickness. Additionally, the policy aims to remove the stigma surrounding menstruation and make it a normal conversation at the workplace.



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